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Law of Attraction | The 12 Universal Laws of Manifestation

Writer's picture: Bre BrownBre Brown

Hello hello my friends,

Welcome back to the Modern Manifestation blog! Feel free to tune into today's topic in the podcast.

Today we continue our exploration of the 12 Universal Laws (aka "guidelines") by jumping into everyone’s favorite: the Law of Attraction. Normally, I would jump right into the description of the law, but today I want to give a bit more info on the workings of the 12 laws, together, because this law is often singled out or prioritized more than the others.

So let’s address that.

How the 12 Universal Laws Work Together

We can’t pick and choose the laws we follow, they’re all applicable all the time, equally, but we like to think some laws are more important. That’s probably my biggest annoyance with the Secret documentary—it’s only oriented toward the Law of Attraction. All 12 are required, all the time, to manifest the things you want.

Have you ever seen a 3D puzzle in the shape of a sphere? I like to view each law as if it’s a piece of one of these 3D puzzles. Without one piece, the structure is weak and delicate, but when they are all together, it holds. Each law supports the structure of our 3D spheres and they intertwine with one another in the process.

The laws have a lot of overlap, but they also have their own distinctive qualities as well.

The reason most people focus more on the Law of Attraction is because it seems to have the MOST overlap, but that doesn’t mean it’s superior. With that, let’s get into it!

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is exactly what the name describes: the concept of attracting things to yourself. However, when we think of the word 'attraction', we typically think of “opposites attract” because that’s what we were taught about magnetism, but this concept is not true for energy. Instead, think of it this way, most people can hear frequencies between 20-20,000 Hz. If there is a sound that is 1 Hz or 40,000 Hz, we’re not likely to hear it because it’s not in a frequency that we register.

This is how you can think about the Law of Attraction. To manifest the things you want, you have to get on the right frequency so it's recognized.

To pick up on a frequency you want, you have to tune into that range, that higher frequency to get the message you want—it’s about like attracting like, or like vibrating to like. What we put out there determines what we get back.

Another way people like to look at this is that positivity attracts positive things, and negativity attracts negative things. Easy enough, right? Well, yes and no... our mindset can make this less straightforward, more on that later. ;)

To have the life you want, you have to become the type person that attracts those things to yourself. If you can get your mind right, you will get your life right. You have to assume a new identity because taking on a new identity will change your emotions, behaviors, AND thoughts—changing your lifestyle.

Your personality creates your personal reality.

You have to ascend to the vibration that matches the success you want and tune into that vibration, that frequency.

An Example of the Law of Attraction

This is (sheepishly) one of my favorite examples when describing the Law of Attraction (or LOA for short):

Think of Elle Woods from the movie Legally Blonde. About a quarter of the way through the movie, Elle adopts a new belief and begins acting upon it, changing her energy and her identity. When her mindset shifts, everything else starts to fall into place for her.

I know it’s just a movie, but that’s how it looks and feels to step into the identity of the life you want. And, I've seen it work just like this over and over again. This determination and shift in your identity is how you can resonate at the higher level.

The hardest part of all of this, and the reason I talk so much about mindset is because you can't "fake" an identity and have it work long term. Don’t get me wrong, I like the concept of “faking it till you make it” as a way to adopt an identity, but you have to actually adopt the thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that come with this new identity for it to transfer into a new reality.

In other words, you have to get to a point where you’ve adopted the new identity for so long, that it has fully integrated into who you are. You ARE that person now.

Using the Law of Attraction to Manifest

You have to know without a doubt that the success is coming. And, this can be tough if you have some confidence work to do. If you have doubt in the back of your mind, start with more attainable goals to help you build confidence in your abilities. I used to create small goals that felt more realistic as I inched my way closer to my goals.

When I couldn't afford gas or rent, I couldn't imagine making six-figures a year... And, no amount of "faking it" would mask my doubt. I had to start small. Instead, I could imagine making $20k/year, so that's what I did. Then I imagined myself making $50k/year, so that's what I did.

Later on, I could imagine making $200k, so that's what I did. When I had my biggest year yet, I couldn't imagine hitting a million dollars yet, but I could imagine getting about halfway there, so that's what I did. AND I'm still working on inching my way up and gaining more self-confidence as I go to prepare me for the next step up. You do not have to approach manifestation from an all-or-nothing perspective. In fact, it's better when you don't!

We can leap frog off of smaller goals, or micro goals, until we find ourselves staring at our "oh shit" goal and it's no longer scary. It's just the next step and it feels right. We've cultivated the identity that is ready for it, in the process of taking action toward this success.

We believe, so we receive. When we’ve allowed ourselves to achieve success with our smaller goals, we begin to see own our power and give ourselves permission to dream bigger. Over time, we will feel more confident in our power as manifesters and we will simply create.

We're only limited by our own beliefs. Success will look different for us all. It's okay to have goals that scare you and cause doubt. Questions that might help you in spite of doubt could be:

  • What is a goal that is exciting and FEELS attainable?

  • What is the smallest step I can take toward my goal?

  • What would someone, who has everything I want already, act in this scenario?

  • How does it feel to imagine becoming this person?

  • What kind of identity could I assume that would help me the most?

  • How do I want my life to FEEL?

You won’t manifest success if you do not think you’re worthy of it. You won’t manifest the goals that you view as "too out of reach". You won’t manifest money if you’re skeptical. You won’t manifest the kind of love you want if you don’t love yourself.

Manifestation is not about going from $5 to $1M overnight. For most of us, this type of jump usually takes time (of course, the time depends on you). We build a foundation for new beliefs that will serve us on our journey toward success. This process is gradual.

For many of us, this journey of building belief in ourselves and what we're worth is a life-long process…

This required work is also why 70% of lottery winners end up broke and declare bankruptcy within a few years; They didn't create an identity of wealth along the way, learning how to handle money and overcome scarcity mindsets. Instead, they blow it because they're not on the energetic level that can attract and hold that level of abundance.

Their beliefs (and therefore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors) about money, their self-worth, and scarcity didn't change with their new found wealth. They couldn't handle the jump. This is why I do not recommend trying to manifest the lottery ;) When you create an identity that can attract wealth, you do not need the lottery. In case this post isn't clear, as long as you NEED the lottery, you will not win it.

According to the Law of Attraction, you have to step into the vibration of someone who has the things you want in order to attract them to you.

You get what you focus on. You get what you believe you’re worthy of.

If you want more love from others, give more love to yourself first. If you want more success at work, reflect on the success you’ve already achieved and allow yourself to feel successful NOW. If you want more travel, start thinking about where you could go RIGHT NOW!

If you want to work your way up to a million dollars, start with a belief about an additional $10k first and work your way up the abundance ladder. Allow yourself to live in the world where you already have the things you want, where you genuinely believe these things are possible for you, and you will start to attract those things to you.

Thank y’all so much for hanging out with me today! Have a fantastic rest of your week, and I will catch y’all next Monday. Until then, go out there and manifest some miracles.

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